Wednesday, October 04, 2006

the fog

The Fog

I saw the fog grow thick
Which soon made blind my ken;( view)
It made tall men of boys
And giants of tall men
- distorted vision . blur vision

It clutched my throat. I coughed; hard to breathe
Nothing was in my head
Except two heavy eyes -
sensation of heat)
Like balls of burning lead-
simile compare eyes to balls of lead (extremely hot/ so hot)- fog is stinging his eyes
Stanza 2: shows how the fog affects the speaker’s health)

And when it grew so black
That I could know no place
I lost all judgement then,
Of distance and of space.
Stanza 3: so dark he could not see ( like he was blind)

The street lamps and the lights
Upon the halted cars, (cars which stopped)
Could either be on earth
(lost/ helpless/- because you don’t know where you are- afraid/ scared)
Or be the heavenly stars

A man passed by me close,
I asked my way, he said,
“Come, follow me, my friend”
- the speaker is as good as blind, he cannot see – so that the speaker would trust him
I followed where he led
.- blind man was a guide to him/ guided him out of the fog

He rapped the stones in front, hitting the ground in front of them
“ Trust me,” he said, “ and come
”- assuring the speaker so that the speaker would trust him
I followed like a child
- children depend on their parents. The speaker had to depend on the the blind man, andtrust him.
A blind man led me home. - ironic, because the speaker has normal sight but can
not see due to the fog. But the blind man- best person to do so, because he could not see, thus the fog would not affect him.
- WH Davies
** ken- view


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