Wednesday, October 04, 2006


The next morning Jess heads down to the creek.

Convinced that the magic has indeed departed forever, that Leslie's death

breaking of the rope- cemented his fate as an ordinary boy rather than a king for the rest of his life.

He has always felt somewhat at a loss without Leslie to guide him through the wonders of the kingdom.

She is always been the one who spoke so royally, who had most of the ideas, who really had a sense of how a magic kingdom should be.

Jess wants to recapture that, but he's not sure how. Eventually he decides to make a funeral wreath


  • He picks it up and slowly, at the head of a great procession, carries it to the grove of the spirits.
    Here he manages to find words, "Father, into thy hands I commend her spirit." (FORMAL, REGAL LIKE A KING)

    May Belle
    Loyal/ faithful

    confesses that she had wanted to help him so he would not be lonely, but that she got too scared.
    tries to cross to the other side of the creek on the branch, but she has gotten stuck halfway and is too terrified to move.

Jess change in character

Jess is still in control, and the sense of strength that descended upon him in the sacred grove has not left him.
He rescues her, coaxing her across to the other side.

Jess assures her that everyone gets scared, and it is nothing to be ashamed of. They walk back to the house together.

in school,

Jess is sad that leslie died and nobody in school seems to care

But Mrs Myers surprises him.

  • expresses her sympathy, saying how extraordinary Leslie was and how much she will miss her. cannot imagine how much harder it must be for Jess.
    when her husband died, people were always telling her she would forget, but that she did not want to forget.
    She knows it is the same for Jess now, and she wants him to know that if she can ever help him through this in any way, he should let her know.

    Effect mrs myers has on jess

    à help him to see Mrs. Myers in a whole new light. Mrs Myers seemed human, kind, someone who could sympathise/ someone with feelings- not an old grumpy person
    à He appreciates knowing that he will never forget Leslie.
    à Touched that mrs myers would share a personal experience with him

  • thinks about how Leslie has changed him,
  • realizes that the only way to preserve both those changes and her memory is to preserve Terabithia.
    knows that Terabithia is not the ultimate destination in his life.
    Terabithia is a place of childhood,
    and that he must graduate from there to the real world.
    He is determined not to let Terabithia die when he leaves it for this new world pressing on him.
  • passes it on to May Belle , so that she can be strong, use her imagination


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